The following is an adaptation of the original Court of Honor Script.
Most of the names have been replaced with position titles.
4:45 PM Ushers start
About 5 PM Scoutmaster steps to podium. Asks everyone to take their seats.
When everyone is seated:
Scoutmaster: Welcome to this Eagle Court of Honor for Damon Drown. It has
been 7 months since our last Eagle Court of Honor.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.: Will everyone please rise for the presentation
of the colors by the Honor Guard.
The Honor Guard brings up the colors and posts them.
Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge . . . . . .
All members of the Honor Guard can be seated except _________ who will
return to the back of the Hall to line up for the candle lighting.
Scoutmaster: I would like at this time to introduce the Master of Ceremonies
for tonight. [Scout master introduces MC and can be seated.]
[Have scouts line up in rank order at the back of the hall, Scout, Tenderfoot,
Second Class, First Class , Star, and Life. Issue each one a white candle.]
[Instruct each one to keep their hands out of their pockets, walk down
the center aisle at the proper time and move to each side with their lighted
candles until the Eagle Escort has finished bringing the candidate to the
front. They may then be seated, after blowing out the candles.]
MC: Thank you. And now, let us begin. [The MC removes and lights a large
candle, lights it and leaves it on top of or near the podium. Lights are
then dimmed. (Turn off fluorescents)]
MC: Our theme tonight is "The Trail to Eagle". The pathway to
Eagle can be described as a steep trail, leading to the peak of Eagle rank.
Along that trail are 6 steps, the ranks of Scouting that you had to pass
on the trail. Damon, it is fitting that you look back before you go on
to other challenges to see what you have accomplished. These experiences
should not be forgotten - You should benefit from them. Cherish the valuable
ones, and make sure the bad ones do not happen again.
Remember your first trip along that steep trail? At first, you were called
Scout by your brothers.
A Scout marches slowly down the aisle with an unlighted candle, steps up
to the podium and lights his candle. He then walks solemnly to the left
side of the stage and waits.
MC: Remember when you received the Scout Badge? You learned the trefoil
or Fleur-de-lis shape was to resemble the Mariner compass as it would always
point you along the true path towards tonight. It had three points which
you learned like the three fingers of the Scout Sign were for the three
points of the Scout Oath.
Remember when you took those first steps up the long scouting trail? You
began to build yourself physically, mentally, and morally by learning the
Scout Oath and Law. Before you knew it you were a Tenderfoot Scout.
[A Tenderfoot Scout marches slowly down the aisle with an unlighted candle,
steps up to the podium and lights his candle. He then walks solemnly to
the left side of the stage and waits. The Scout waits next to Tenderfoot.]
MC: Your Scout Badge was replaced by the badge of a Tenderfoot. It still
pointed you in the right direction but added were the two stars which represented
the truth and knowledge you had gained in Scouting. Also was the bald eagle,
our national symbol. You learned from the shield on the eagle's breast
that the freedom of America is not without cost that it must be defended.
Soon, you set out for another ledge. There you were greeted by a larger
group of second class scouts.
[A Second Class Scout marches slowly down the aisle with an unlighted candle,
steps up to the podium and lights his candle. He then walks solemnly to
the left side of the stage and waits. The Second Class Scout waits next
to Tenderfoot and Scout.]
MC: The second class badge showed you a scroll with your motto "Be
Prepared". its ends were turned up in a smile and that is what you
were to do as the bottom knot reminded you to "Do a Good Turn Daily"
which is the Scout slogan.
You found that some second class scouts had been there for a long time
and were content with their achievement. You continued onward. You studied
and before you realized it, you had come to a new ledge, one where First
Class Scouts dwell.
[A First Class marches slowly down the aisle with an unlighted candle,
steps up to the podium and lights his candle. He then walks solemnly to
the right side of the stage and waits. The First Class Scout waits next
to Second Class, Tenderfoot and Scout.]
MC: Your First Class badge showed you that it was time to put everything
you had learned thus far together and this is what you did. You found that
the trail to Fist Class had not been all that difficult. You wanted to
learn more in Scouting so you continued onward, earning specific skills
through merit badges.
Your next step was to be come a Star Scout.
[A Star Scout marches slowly down the aisle with an unlighted candle, steps
up to the podium and lights his candle. He then walks solemnly to the right
side of the stage and waits next to the First Class Scout.]
MC: The Star badge, a golden star was to symbolize your new role as a leader.
You were called upon to be a guiding light in the darkness for those who
were to follow. No longer were you receiving Scouting but now you were
expected to teach new skills to others.
Now the Trail was steeper. Leadership was challenging and also hard work.
But you persevered, climbing the steep trail. Soon it led you to Life Rank.
[A Life Scout marches slowly down the aisle with an unlighted candle, steps
up to the podium and lights his candle. He then walks solemnly to the right
side of the stage and waits next to First Class and Star Scouts.
MC: The Badge of Life, a pure red heart on a golden field was to show all
the world the path you had chosen. True to the ideals of Scouting you had
gained an inner confidence that was to prepare you for the rest of your
life. The trail became even tougher, but more interesting. You thought,
now I am close to the Eagle. I will carry on.
[The Eagle escort should be ready in the back of the Hall with Damon between
them. A Scout should lead the escort with a single lit candle.]
MC: We in Troop 39 have watched you as you have worked towards your Eagle.
We have watched your mind develop and your knowledge increase. We have
seen you grow in many ways and now that you are on the threshold of your
goal, we welcome you, for you have done your climbing in a Scout-like manner
Would the Eagle Escort please bring the candidate forward.
[Pause while the Eagle escort brings Damon to the front. After escorting
him to the front, the lead Scout gives the lit candle to Damon. The Eagle
Escort then returns to the back of the hall. The other Scouts with lit
candles, blow out their candles and take their seats. The lights can now
be turned back on.]
MC: Will the Scoutmaster please come forward?
[The Scoutmaster comes to the front.]
MC: [ Scoutmaster's name ], as Scoutmaster of this troop, is it your judgment
that he has fulfilled the requirements to become an Eagle and exemplifies
the idea of Scouting?
Scoutmaster: I am proud to say he has.
MC: Could you now give some of Damon's background?
[Scoutmaster reads the biography.]
Scoutmaster: Damon, I now ask you to repeat the Scout Oath rededicating
yourself to its principles.
[Two Scouts, the First Class and Star, should be ready to come forward
to light candles for the Law. Using the candles from the previous part
of the ceremony, light their candles from Damon's.]
Scoutmaster: The law of the Eagle is the Scout Law. I would now like to
have the Scouts stand and repeat the Scout Law as Damon lights the candles
representing each Law. Would _______ and ________ assist by lighting the
candles which represent the Laws?
First Class and Star should now come forward and light their candles from
[Scouts should repeat Law slowly, giving time to light the12 candles. Scoutmaster
stays at front to assist with awards.]
MC: Your conduct along the trail of has been excellent. You have rededicated
yourself to the principles of Scouting. You have heard the Law of the Eagle,
but one more thing is important - your future.
As an Eagle you become a guiding light to other Scouts below you. You become
an example to your community. Remember that people expect more of you.
To falter in your duties would not only reflect on you, but your fellow
Eagles. The torch you carry is not only yours, but theirs.
MC: Would [ name of Charger ] please come forward to give the Eagle Charge?
Charger: This is not the end of the trail but rather the beginning of a
new era in your life. You are now entering a brotherhood of boys and men
who have not only achieved the Eagle Scout rank but have made a commitment
to the Scout Oath and Law. You will always be an Eagle Scout and will be
expected to conduct yourself accordingly.
Would the Eagle Scouts in the Audience please stand.
Damon Drown, I charge you to enter this Eagle Scout Brotherhood holding,
without reservation, the ideals of honor and service. Repeating the Eagle
Scout promise before your fellow members, you will be sealing your eternal
loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout.
Scout Sign, Repeat the Charge after me: I reaffirm my allegiance to the
three promises of the Scout Oath.
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself the obligations and responsibilities
of the Eagle Scout.
On my honor, I will do me best to make my training an example, my rank
and my influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship,
in my Troop, in my community, and in my contacts with other people.
To this I pledge my sacred honor.
MC: Would you now light the candle representing the rank of Eagle?
[The Eagle Honor guard should now be ready to escort the parents to the
front and retire to the rear of the Hall. Pause while the last candle is
lit. Damon's candle can be put out.]
Charger: Congratulations. I would now like to present you with the Eagle
[Charger removes Troop neckerchief and places Eagle neckerchief on, shakes
Damon's hand. Charger can now retire to the back of the Hall to join the
Eagle Honor Guard.]
MC: The Scoutmaster will now present the Certificate. [Certificate presented.]
MC: Will the Eagle Scout Honor Guard please escort Damon's parents to the
front. [Pause while Guard comes to front and the returns to the rear.]
MC: What Damon has accomplished is with your support and guidance. It is
fitting that you present the Eagle award to him.
Scoutmaster takes the badge from the bearer's box and hands it to the father
who pins it on the candidate. [Scoutmaster will hand the candidate the
mother's and father's pin when needed.]
MC: In recognition of the many hours of patient guidance given by her to
you in your efforts, will you present this pin to your mother. [Pause for
MC: And will you give your father the Eagle Tie pin? [Pause. When done,
parents can be seated.]
MC: I would now like to ask Damon's grandfather, [ name ], to come forward
to say a few words and read some letters of congratulations. [Pause for
words and reading.]
[Eagle Honor Guard comes to front, congratulates the candidate and escorts
him to the rear. Color guard should be ready.]
MC: Will the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader please lead us in the closing
ceremony? [Pause while ASPL comes to front.]
Adam: Please rise. Color guard, prepare to retire the colors
Retire the colors. Please salute.
Adam: At Ease. This concludes our ceremony. Thank you for coming. We hope
that you will join us for some refreshments. [Scouts should allow adults
to line up for refreshments first.]
-- Thanks to Scott Drown, SM Troop 39, Maltby, Mt. Baker Council, Everett
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