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1978 Eagle Requirements
From Scott Oliphant, Las Vegas, NV
Page 90 - 91 -- Eagle Scout Requirements
[reduced the Eagle total back to 21 merit badges; restored
Camping to the required list]
- Be active as a Life Scout for at least 6 months
- Show Scout spirit
- Earn 21 merit badges, including:
First Aid
Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in the World
Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
Environmental Science
Personal Management
Personal Fitness OR Swimming OR Sports
Family Life (added later)
- While a Life Scout, serve actively for 6 months in one
or more of the following positions (later called positions of
responsibility) [patrol leader, senior patrol leader, assistant senior
patrol leader, den chief, scribe, librarian, quartermaster, member of the
leadership corps, junior assistant scoutmaster, instructor (later added
chaplain aide and troop guide, and dropped leadership corps)]
- While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership
to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any
school, or your community
- Take part in a Personal Growth Agreement Conference
(renamed back to Scoutmaster Conference in the early 1980s)
Please direct all inquiries & submissions to the webmaster at Eaglescout.org
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