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Boy Scout Handbook, August 1961, sixth edition, third printing


Thanks to Rick Cordray, Troop 573, Woodinville, WA

Page 367 - Eagle Scout Requirements

To become an Eagle Scout you must be a Life Scout and --


1. While a Life Scout for a period of at least six months show to the satisfaction of your unit leaders that you --
2. Have earned one merit badge from the CONSERVATION group.
3. Have earned three merit badges from the CITIZENSHIP group.


1. Have earned the following merit badges:
2. Have earned any five other merit badges (making a total of 21 for this rank).


While a Life Scout show to the satisfaction of your unit leaders that you--
An Eagle Scout is expected to be physically fit, able to take care of himself under all conditions, and prepared to save the life of others, if necessary. For these reasons a boy, to become an Eagle Scout, must meet all requirements above without exception.

Merit Badge Groups (pages 370 - 377)

Campcraft -- Camping, Surveying, Pioneering, Cooking.

Crafts and Collections -- Leatherwork, Basketry, Stamp Collecting, Textiles, Coin Collecting, Bookbinding.

Outdoor Sports -- Archery, Hiking, Cycling, Marksmanship, Fishing, Horsemanship, Motorboating, Athletics, Skiing.

Aquatics -- Swimming, Canoeing, Rowing, Lifesaving.

Personal Development -- Personal Fitness, Reading, Business, Public Speaking, Farm Records, Salesmanship, Scholarship.

Conservation -- Soil and Water Conservation, Wildlife Management, Forestry.

Citizenship -- Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Home, Citizenship in the Nation, World Brotherhood.

Public Service -- Firemanship, Fingerprinting, Public Health, First Aid, Safety.

Animal Husbandry -- Rabbit Raising, Dog Care, Hog Production, Pigeon Raising, Pets, Poultry Keeping, Beekeeping, Beef Production, Sheep Farming, First Aid to Animals, Animal Industry.

Communication -- Bugling, Radio, Journalism, Printing, Signaling.

Transportation -- Automobiling, Railroading, Seamanship, Aviation.

Arts -- Art, Mechanical Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Woodcarving, Indian Lore, Music, Pottery, Dramatics, Architecture.

Nature -- Reptile Study, Nature, Weather, Geology, Zoology, Bird Study, Chemistry, Insect Life, Botany, Astronomy.

Plant Cultivation -- Corn Farming, Agriculture, Small Grains, Fruit and Nut Growing, Gardening, Cotton Farming, Forage Crops, Landscaping.

Building -- Metalwork, Plumbing, Painting, Farm Arrangement, Home Repairs, Masonry, Farm Mechanics, Woodworking, Electricity, Machinery.

Please direct all inquiries & submissions to the webmaster at Eaglescout.org .