Project Final Report

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The Eagle Service Project Report

How to begin
Before you start your project, even before you begin planning your project, get a notebook. Record events in your notebook when they happen and keep as accurate a set of notes as possible. When you call or visit some one to discuss your project, write that in your notebook. Make a separate section to record what you buy, what is donated, any moneys that you receive. In a separate section, record when you do the various parts of your project, who helped, how much time each of the volunteers spent on the project. Make a section to list tools and equipment.

If you keep good records, the report will almost write itself. You may start your report whenever you feel ready.

Suggested Project Report Outline
As you write your report, emphasize your Leadership, your Planning, your Organization of project details, your project Direction (instruction and direction of project volunteers). Try to include strong statements, such as "I said...", "I decided...", "I think...". In the following suggested outline, the recommended total length of sections 1,2,3 should be about 3 to 5 pages.

1. Introduction
Tell what your project is, what you intended to accomplish, why you selected this particular project. Tell who your sponsor is and how your project benefits the sponsor. Mention the sponsor representative, and if you had some one guiding and instructing you technically, mention that person.

2. Project implementation
Describe the planning stages of your project, who you met with, any special problems in planning that you had to resolve, any special concerns such as safety . Discuss what you did to prepare for your project, such as presentations to sponsoring organizations, raising funds, getting donations of material and equipment, preparing posters and handouts, what you did to get people to volunteer.

Discuss the actual work required to accomplish your project. Was the project completed according to your original plans, or did you have to revise and change some of the steps? Were you able to keep everyone busy, were there any special problems keeping everything under control and running smoothly? Were the volunteers friendly, or did they complain and fool around? Generally, the best way to write this section is to simply say, "This is what we did on the first day," "This is what we did on the second day," etc.

3. Conclusions, Thoughts, Ideas
This section summarizes your efforts and how the project affected you and the people you worked with. Tell whether the project was successful, did it met the goals outlined in your project approval form? Tell about any unexpected problems and what you might do differently if you were to do this project again. What did you learn from doing the project? How has the project helped you and your sponsor?

Finally, take some time to acknowledge and thank anyone special, the people that gave you that extra bit of support. Acknowledge your sponsor, the person who guided you as a mentor, the people and organizations that donated money and material, your friends who volunteered their time.

4. Tables, Charts, Diagrams
Provide an appendix with the following documents and any other documents that you think would help the Board of Review evaluate your efforts.


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Adapted from "Guidelines for Earning the Eagle Rank" by Joe Sinniger (used with permission)