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This script was contributed to the Scouts-L Youth Groups
Discussion List on Internet by Mike Walton of Greenwood, KY. It
was originally used for an Eagle Court of Honor at an army base
in Stillwater, OK.
Eagle Scout
Eagle Scout's Mother
Eagle Scout's Father
Commissioner (or Executive)
Volunteer Scouter
Eagle Scout escorts (four Eagles)
COMMISSIONER: At this time, on behalf of the National Council
of the Boy Scouts of America, I hereby convene this Court of
Honor for the purpose of presenting the Eagle Scout Badge to
Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ]. Will everyone please stand and will
the escorts please bring forward the Eagle Scout to the front of
the room.
[Eagle escort brings the Eagle Scout forward to the assembled
COMMISSIONER: The Eagle Scout Badge is the highest youth award
which may be earned by a member of the Boy Scouting program. It
represents another step forward by the Scout toward the BSA's
goals of developing citizenship, of imparting character
development and enhancing personal fitness. While the Eagle Scout
Badge is one of seven badges which the Scout earns, the
achievement of the Eagle Scout Badge is indeed the highest honor
that a Scout may achieve.
Scout [ Scout's name ] , will you please face the audience, raise
your right hand in the Scout sign and please repeat the Scout
[Eagle Scout repeats the Scout Oath.]
COMMISSIONER: Thank you, Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ]. At this
time, I wish to call up on your Scoutmaster to wish you well.
SCOUTMASTER: Eagle Scout [ Scout's name ], I wish to congratulate
you upon this achievement on behalf of the boys and adults of
Troop ___. We are all extremely proud of your achievement and
equally proud of your progress along the Scouting trail. As a
small token of our pride in you, it is my honor to present this
special neckerchief, emblematic of all Eagle Scouts everywhere ,
to you. Please wear this with pride in our program and with pride
in your personal achievement.
[Scout master removes old neckerchief and replaces it with Eagle
Scout Neckerchief. This is different from the NESA white
neckerchief, this one is blue and silver.]
[Scout master then expresses his or her own personal good wishes
for the new Eagle.]
SCOUTMASTER: Just like your past progress along the trail, you
did not go it alone. Your fellow Patrol and Troop members
assisted you greatly . Your friends and those in your community
supported you while you completed the service projects in the
Troop. But your parents supported you throughout and it is at
this time I ask them to please join us here. Will the Eagle
escort s please bring Mr. and Mrs. __________ forward to join
their son.
[Eagle escorts bring the parents of the Eagle present.]
SCOUTMASTER: At this time, I wish to present __________ who will
address all of us but particularly the new Eagle and his parents.
Ladies and Gentlemen, __________.
PRESENTER: [says personal greetings, and other comments relating
to the achievement of the Eagle Scout Badge. Then, states the
I have the honor of presenting this presentation kit and
certificate on behalf of the National Court of Honor of the Boy
Scouts of America to your Scoutmaster for presentation to you.
[Presenter presents the presentation kit and certificate to the
Scoutmaster, who then holds it while the presenter gives the new
Eagle Scout the Eagle Scout Charge.]
PRESENTER: Mr. Scoutmaster, will you please assist me in
presenting the Eagle Scout Badge to Mrs. __________, who will pin
her son with this high honor.
[Scoutmaster opens the kit, gets the medal out and gives it to
the mother, who then pins her son's badge on the uniform on the
left side above the pocket centered.]
PRESENTER: __________, because your mother gave birth to you,
nurtured you an d gave you solace, comforted you and assisted in
your development, I ask you to please present to her the small
Eagle pin, a outward symbol of your achievement which she may
wear with pride.
[Scout master gives the pin to the Scout, who then turns and pins
his mother.]
[At this time, the Volunteer Scouter stands and faces the Scout
and his parents.]
VOLUNTEER SCOUTER: __________, my name is __________, and it is
my honor to read to you a special message sent to you from the
National Office of the Boy Scouts of America. However, before I
read this, I wish to call upon anyone present who is a holder of
the Eagle Scout Badge to please stand.
[Eagle escorts and any other Eagle Scouts present stand at this
time. Volunteer Scouter reads the letter sent to Eagle Scouts
from the National President and the Chief Scout Executive.
Afterwards, Volunteer Scouter presents the letter and the Eagle
Scout card to the father of the Scout.]
VOLUNTEER SCOUTER: At this time, the National Council, Boy Scouts
of America hereby recognizes [ Scout's name ] as an Eagle Scout
of Troop ___. We as k that Mr. __________ present his son with
his card and the letter from the National Council.
[father presents card and letter to Scout.]
PRESENTER: [ Scout's name ], because your father raised you,
taught you important lessons, gave you solace, comforted you and
assisted in your development, I ask you to please present to him
the small Eagle tie tack, a outward symbol of your achievement
which he may wear with pride.
[Scoutmaster gives the tie tack to the Scout, who then turns and
pins his father.]
COMMISSIONER: On behalf of the National Court of Honor of the Boy
Scouts of America, I hereby declare this Court of Honor closed
and join with al l assembled in greeting the new Eagle Scout.
NOTE : Depending on time and circumstances, it is possible and
desirable to add a place for the new Eagle to insert his own
personal touches and for someone to list his achievements and his
progress toward Eagle. Also, it is possible to add a presentation
of a membership in the National Eagle Scout Association.
Please direct all inquiries & submissions to