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Court of Honor from Troop 570, Chief Seattle Council

MASTER OF CEREMONIES: "Mr. Robert Evans, North Lakes District Eagle Advancement Coordinator will now convene the National Court of Honor." (Mr. Evans proceeds to podium).

Mr. Evans: "By the authority vested in me as a representative of the Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America, I declare this Court of Honor to be convened."

"The Scouting movement, begun by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, constitutes one of the most wholesome and significant influences in the world today. Many successful, well-known persons are Eagle Scouts -- former President of the United States Gerald Ford; most of the original astronauts; and, many leaders in business and industry. The Eagle candidate whose efforts culminate this afternoon in the presentation of the Eagle badge, has labored long to enter this brotherhood. He will assume even greater responsibilities to the ideals of honor and service. When he pledges himself on his sacred honor, he will be sealing his loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence."

"Will ETHAN JENNERICH please come forward and prepare to receive your Eagle Scout award."


Mr. Evans: "Eagle candidate, Ethan Jennerich, what promise did you take when you became a Tenderfoot Scout?

Ethan: "The Scout Oath, sir."

Mr. Evans: "Is there any reason why you should not renew that promise now?"

Ethan: "There is not, sir."

Mr. Evans: "Then I ask you to now give the Scout Oath as you rededicate yourself to its principles. I'd ask all Scouters to stand and join with Ethan in repeating the Oath."

(Ethan gives the Scout Sign and repeats the Scout Oath)

Mr. Evans: "You have just recommitted yourself to the principles of the Scout Oath. You now have a new, more intense obligation to your church, your community, and your troop. The knowledge you have gained in all areas of Scouting will better enable you to be prepared for the future and its challenges. The Scout Motto "Be Prepared" now takes on special meaning."

"Eagle candidate ETHAN JENNERICH, it is now my pleasure to deliver to you the Eagle Charge."


Mr. Evans: "Scouts of all nations make up one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history. You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America as being worthy of this honor. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. This award, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility. As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to Country, to your fellow scouts and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourself and to your brother scouts."

"America has many good things to give you and your children after you; but these good things depend for the most part on the quality of her citizens. Our country has had a great past. You can help make the future even greater."

"I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the highest level of service to God and to your fellow man."

"So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to finer living. I charge you to be among those who dedicate their hearts, hands, skills and abilities to the common good. Help to build America's future by continuing to set an example of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God, regardless of what others may do. You will leave behind you a record of which you may be justly proud."

"Eagle Candidate ETHAN JENNERICH, I charge you to enter this Eagle Scout brotherhood without reservation and hold always before you the ideals of honor and service. By repeating the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow scouts, you will become ann. Eagle Scout. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout with the same words which closed the Declaration of Independence."

"Will all Eagle Scouts here today please stand as ETHAN JENNERICH takes the Eagle Scout Promise. (Pause) Scout Sign, repeat after me:

"I (STATE YOUR NAME) reaffirm my allegiance...

to the three promises of the Scout Oath...

I thoughtfully recognize...

and take upon myself...

the obligations and responsibilities...

of an Eagle Scout..

On my honor, I will do my best...

to make my training an example...

and my status and my influence...

count strongly for better Scouting...

and for better citizenship...

in my troop...

in my community...

and in my contacts with other people.

To this I pledge my sacred honor."

"Two. Would all the Eagle Scouts please be seated in the Eagle's Nest."

"ETHAN JENNERICH, your conduct along the trail has been excellent. You have rededicated yourself to the principles of Scouting. But one more thing is important...your future. As an Eagle Scout, you become a guide to other scouts. You become an example in your community. Remember that your actions are now a little more conspicuous and people will expect more of you. To falter in your responsibility would reflect not only on you, but on your fellow Eagles and all of Scouting. The torch you carry is not only yours, but it is also ours."


Mr. Evans: "All along the trail of achievement, your Scoutmasters have given you advice and encouragement. I call upon your former Scoutmaster, Gary Eby, to vouch for you. (Gary Eby steps forward). Sir, before presenting your Scout the Eagle Award, we would like to have your assurance that Scout ETHAN JENNERICH has been faithful in serving his troop, in giving leadership to its Scouts, in practicing the principles of the Scout Oath and Law, and in practicing the good turn in his daily life. Based upon these qualifications, Mr. Eby, is this Scout entitled to the honor the Eagle Badge represents?"

Mr. Eby: "Yes, sir, he is."

Mr. Evans: "Eagle Candidate ETHAN JENNERICH, we are finally at that point you have been waiting for. Having confirmed all readiness for the receipt of this award, it is now time to formally present this badge recognizing your accomplishment."

"Before the Eagle Award is bestowed upon you, I am going to ask your father, Dr. Edward Jennerich, to stand beside you."

"Eagle Candidate ETHAN JENNERICH, your father has undoubtedly been a primary source of help in your Scout work. He will help you carry the standards of your award to the highest peak of attainment, since the very best is expected of an Eagle Scout in exemplary conduct, character, achievement and leadership ability. I am going to ask your father, who has stood by you so loyally to pledge his willingness to continue to help you. Dr. Jennerich, do you agree to continue to help ETHAN so that he may grow in character and those leadership qualities that an Eagle Scout should have?"

Ed Jennerich: "I will."

Mr. Evans: "Your mother has undoubtedly been your greatest source of inspiration in your quest for the Eagle Award. I am going to ask your mother, Dr. Elaine Jennerich, to stand beside you."

"By the authority vested in me by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America and the Chief Seattle Council, it is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout. May the Oath you have taken always remain with you."

"No words of this Court of Honor could do justice to the devotion and patient perseverance with which your Scoutmasters have helped you towards worthy manhood. Only from his hands could you receive your Eagle Award at this moment. Will former Scoutmaster Gary Eby pin the badge on this new Eagle Scout?"

"In recognition of fatherly advice and guidance along the trail to Eagle, I will ask this Eagle Scout's father to present his son the Eagle Scout certificate and personal letter of commendation from the Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America."

Ed Jennerich: (Read letter before presenting to Ethan)

Mr. Evans: "No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from the parents of this Eagle Scout which have led to this day. As a symbol of what his parents made possible, the Court will now ask this Eagle to present his mother with a miniature Eagle pin and his father with a miniature Eagle tie tack."

(Ethan pins on mother's Eagle pin first: then pins Eagle tie tack on father's uniform shirt).

(When all the insignia have been presented, Mr. Evans gives Ethan the Scout handclasp and shakes hands with the parents)

(Parents return to their seats)

Mr. Evans: "I proudly present to you Eagle Scout, ETHAN EDWARD JENNERICH."

(After applause, Ethan moves to podium and offers his remarks)

(After Ethan's remarks, Mr. Evans returns to the podium)

Mr. Evans: "Ethan, may I congratulate you and your parents again and invite you to take your place in the Eagle's Nest with the other Eagle Scouts. I hereby close this Eagle Court of Honor."

(Mr. Evans is seated and Mr. Farrand, Master of Ceremonies, comes to podium)

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