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Below is the document my District compiled for Board of Review members. It
is a compilation of BSA resources and experience. It should be very helpful
to you in preparing. Remember, the Board is like one of the most important interviews
you will ever have. Every minute you spend in advance will pay back tenfold!
Quick reminder: You had better know the Scout Oath and Law better then
ever before in your life! I can't believe how many candidates I've seen
who got stuck on these-- WOW! What a bad way to start!
Also, be in complete AND CORRECT uniform. Get a uniform inspection sheet
(available from your unit or Council office) and check. Also have your
Scoutmaster inspect. It's worth it...you're an Eagle candidate!
Finally, pay attention to the types of questions in the document below,
and think through them ahead of time.
Eagle Board of Review Guidelines
The Board of Review for an Eagle candidate is composed of at least three
but not more than six members. These members do not have to be registered
in Scouting, but they must have an understanding of the importance and
purpose of the Eagle Board of Review. One member serves as Chairman. Unit
leaders, assistant unit leaders, relatives or guardians may not serve as
members of a Scout's Board of Review. At least one District advancement
representative must be a member of the Eagle Board of Review if the review
is conducted at a unit level. A Scout may request a District Board of Review
which will consist of members of the District Advancement Committee and/or
District members who have an understanding of the importance of the Eagle
Board of Review. In no case should a relative or guardian of the candidate
attend the review, either as a participant or observer. The contents of
the Board of Review are confidential and the proceedings are not to be
disclosed to any person who is not a member of the Board of Review.
The Board members need to convene prior to interviewing the candidate
(15 to 30 minutes.) The purpose of meeting before the actual interview
is to:
- 1. Review the prospective Eagle Scout's application.
- 2. Read his reference letters and other important documents.
- 3. Become familiar with his service project by assessing his final
report and any available pictures.
- 4. Review these guidelines to help formulate pertinent questions.
During this initial meeting, the Chairman makes sure everyone is introduced
to one another, sees that everyone has an opportunity to review all the
paperwork and determines that all understand the goals of this Board, which
- 1. The Board determines that the Eagle project was successfully carried
- a. Did the candidate demonstrate leadership?
- b. Did he indeed direct the project himself, rather than do all the
work himself or allow someone else to direct the project?
- c. Was the project of value to the institution, school or community
- d. Who from the benefiting group may be contacted to verify the value
of the project?
- e. Did the project follow the plan, or were modifications necessary
to complete it - what did the candidate learn from making the modifications?
- 2. The Board should be assured of the candidate's participation in
and understanding of the Scouting program.
- 3. A thorough discussion of his successes and experiences in Scouting
must take place.
As the documents are making the rounds, the Chairman should add any
relevant data of which he is aware. It is best if the Chairman has personally
viewed the completed project - if that is not possible, a phone call to
the benefiting group's representative to discuss the merits of the project
will do.
The following guidelines must be kept in mind during the questioning
of the project:
- 1. The review is not an examination; the Board does not test the candidate.
However, the Board should not be a "rubber stamp" approval process.
Appearance of the candidate before the Eagle Board of Review does not mean
automatic attainment of the Eagle Rank.
- 2. The Board should attempt to determine the Scout's attitude toward
and acceptance of Scouting's ideals
- 3. The Board should make sure that good standards of performance have
been met in all phases of his life.
- 4. A discussion of the Scout Oath and Scout Law is in keeping with
the questioning.
- 5. Be sure the candidate recognizes and understands the value of Scouting
in his home, unit, school and community.
- 6. The Scout should be encouraged to talk - don't ask questions answerable
with a simple yes or no.
Once the Scout's Eagle Application, service project paperwork, letters
of recommendation and these guidelines are reviewed, the Scoutmaster is
asked to introduce the candidate to the Board (as a courtesy the Board
members should stand). The Scoutmaster can be invited to remain as an observer
and may be called upon to clarify a point in question. The candidate is
asked to begin the Board by reciting the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
The interview process:
1. Ask him questions about his understanding and adherence to the Scout
Oath and Scout Law: The Board should make sure that good standards have
been met in all phases of the Scout's life. A discussion of the Scout Oath
and Scout Law is in keeping with the purpose of the review, to make sure
that the candidate recognizes and understands the value of Scouting in
his home, unit, school and community.
- a. What is the hardest point of the Scout Law for him to live by -
- b. What point of the Scout Law is the most important to him - why?
- c. What does "Scouting Spirit" mean to him - why?
- d. What do the various points of the Scout Law mean to him?
- e. What values has Scouting taught him that he thinks others see in
him - at home, in his unit, at school and/or in the community?
- f. How does he live by the Scout Law and Oath?
- g. What do the different points of the Scout Oath mean to him?
- h. What does "duty to God" mean to him?
- i. What does "duty to Country" mean to him?
- j. How does he "help others at all times"?
- k. How does he feel about wearing his uniform in public?
2. Ask him questions about his camping experiences:
- a. What was his most enjoyable experience in Scouting?
- b. Conversely, what was his least enjoyable experience?
- c. How many summer camps has he attended and where?
- d. What did he enjoy most about his summer camp experiences?
- e. Has he attended any High Adventure camps (Parsons, Silver Marmot,
Mountainman or Philmont) - where and what did he enjoy about them - describe
the experience.
- f. Ask him about his outdoor experiences in Scouting - campouts, 50
milers, etc.
- g. Ask him what he remembers of the "Outdoor Code".
- h. Ask him if he has staffed any summer camps - what did he learn from
the experience and what did he enjoy about the experience.
3. Ask him questions related to his Scouting experience:
- a. What leadership positions has he held?
- b. What were his responsibilities in each position?
- c. What leadership position does he hold now?
- d. Ask him what he would do if a scout refused to comply and/or ignored
a valid request he made in the performance of his duties.
- e. Ask him about his troop's discipline policy and where he figures
in it in his present leadership position.
- f. Ask him how he might handle "hurry-up" first aid cases.
- g. Ask him other questions related to merit badges he has earned (remember
you are not testing him).
- h. Has he earned any merit badges that will help him in his choice
of occupation?
- i. What merit badge did he enjoy working on the most - why?
- j. Conversely, which one did he enjoy working on the least - why?
- k. Ask him what changes he might make in his unit.
- l. If he earns his Eagle rank tonight, what does he intend to do to
repay Scouting, his unit and its leaders?
- m. Who has been the most influential person in his Scouting career?
- n. Is there anything Scouting did not give him that he feels could
be beneficial to the program to help other young men develop?
4. Ask him pertinent questions about his project. The Board should make
sure that a good standard of performance has been met.
- a. What group benefited from his project?
- b. How did he find out about the need?
- c. Ask him to walk the Board through the project from beginning to
end i. The planning phase ii. The organization of personnel iii. Directing
the project to completion
- d. Did he have to contact any city, county or state officials for permits
or to find out about ordinances, etc. - did the Citizenship in the Community
Merit Badge help - how?
- e. Once his project was approved, did he have to modify it - what did
he learn from that experience?
- f. Who did he get involved in helping him with his project - scouts,
adults from his troop, members of the benefiting organization....?
- g. Did he have any problems directing adults in their work - how did
he feel about that?
- h. In what ways does he feel he demonstrated leadership in this project?
- i. Every scouts feels his project was "special" - how is
his project "special"?
- j. Thirty years from now when someone else asks him what he did for
his Eagle project, what will stand out in his mind - how will he answer
that question?
5. Ask him about his plans for the future. The Board should attempt
to determine the Scout's ideals and goals.
- a. Ask him about his plans for the future - college, Armed Forces,
trade school, ....
- b. How does he feel earning Eagle will help him in those plans?
- c. When he turns 18, he assumes some new responsibilities - What are
they? Sign up for the draft, register to vote and responsible for his actions
in the eyes of the law.
- d. What should an Eagle Scout be expected to do and what responsibilities
does he think come with the rank?
- e. What does he plan to do in scouting in the immediate and long range
These are by no means the only questions that may be asked. They are
merely examples to be used as a springboard to other questions and further
discussion. Please do not assume that you are to ask only these questions
and consider the interview complete. The interview should come to a natural
conclusion as each board member runs out of questions.
There is not set length of time for an Eagle Board of Review. However,
15 minutes is probably too short and an hour is probably too long.
After the review, the candidate and his unit leader leave the room while
the board members discuss the acceptability of the candidate as an Eagle
Scout. Because of the importance of the Eagle Scout Award, the decision
of the Board of Review must be unanimous. If the candidate meets the requirements,
he is asked to return and is informed that he will receive the Board's
recommendation for the Eagle award. Immediately after the Board of Review
and after the application has been appropriately signed, the application
is turned into the Council Service Center. A photocopy of the application
should be attached to an Advancement Form and submitted to the Council
Service Center as well.
If the candidate is found unacceptable, he is asked to return and told
the reasons for his failure to qualify. A discussion should be held with
him as to how he may meet the requirements within a given period. Should
the applicant disagree with the decision, the appeal procedures should
be explained to him. A follow-up letter must be sent to the Scout confirming
the agreements reached on the action(s) necessary for the advancement.
If the Scout chooses to appeal, provide the name and address of the person
he is to contact.
Please direct all inquiries & submissions to
the webmaster at Eaglescout.org
This website is not officially endorsed by the
Boy Scouts of America
Last modified 1/30/2011